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Origin Story
As an award-winning digital marketing and advertising agency with a specialization in serving Immigration Law firms, we understand the unique challenges these firms face in attracting new clients. Helping law firms attract new clients is our core focus as an agency.
Our internal goal is to continue our leadership position in the Immigration law firm marketing space.
Simultaneously, our law firm clients were showing more interest in becoming “thought leaders” and using video as a means of expressing their expertise.
We recognized the intersection of these two areas as an opportunity to combine creating a platform that would position our clients as thought leaders, give them the visibility they crave, and make our team the epicenter of publishing fresh content to potential new law firm clients.
Thus, the Immigration Nation Podcast was born.
We recognized immediately that immigration law firms were eager to speak with us about our podcast vs. way less interested in talking to a prospective marketing agency. So, we started conversations about a potential guest post and eased into the conversation later that our business is helping immigration law firms grow.
The podcast and our ability to collaborate with attorneys without pitching a campaign or even discussing our advertising platform were a complete game changer for how we engage with prospective clients.
What began as an innovative idea has blossomed into a resounding success, exceeding all our expectations:
Entrant Company
Apps & Softwares - Best Use of AI & Machine Learning
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
johnny aces entertainment
Video / Online Video - Video / Online Video / Other___
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
QIMU Design (Shuting & Tianyue)
Apps & Softwares - Best User Interface / Experience
Country / Region
United States